Monday, June 30, 2008

Just some updates

WOW! This semester has been going by so fast! I only have 2 weeks left and then I'm heading home. I'm probably going to be home on the 19th! HOLY CANOLI! I'm going to miss all my friends so much, but it will be nice to be out of school and not have to worry about homework for a while.
I colored my hair again a couple weeks ago. It's called a slice. I got some highlights and low lights put in to fix my old hair color because it was turning orange . .. gross!
Last Saturday I went hiking in Yellowstone to Union Falls. It was about 8 miles in and out. There was still some snow up there and we had to cross a freezing cold river! The falls were so gorgeous, but freezing because it was just snow run off. There were so many mosquitoes! Even with half a can of bug spray I was still eaten alive! But life's still good!

1 comment:

Carissa May said...

Oh poor Mandy! I'm so glad you finally put something new on your blog, but I'm so sad that you were a bug's lunch. Try not to be so delicious next time, okay?