Its that time of year again. New years resolutions. Gag me. Every year I get so excited and make this huge list of all the things I would like to accomplish or become better at. Some typical examples are: begin running, read so many books, write in my journal everyday, become better at reading the scriptures, get a boyfriend, get straight A's, become a morning person, keep a clean room . . . They're pretty common and fairly attainable aspirations, but sadly, I usually never make it past January.
Its kind of a running joke with me and my cousins about how none of my plans seem to work out. There have been many sleepovers, lunch dates, and vacation plans that have been left as blue prints on my desk.
That is why I am asking the question, "Why?"
What is this unnatural phenomenon that seems to prevent my dreams to come true? Why is it that I always have to resort to last minute jumps into the dark for things to happen in my life? For example, when I went to California for spring break. That was a total last minute thing! I had casually talked about getting a plane ticket to California, but in the back of my mind I wasn't really planning on it. One afternoon my friend called and asked if I got it yet. When I told him I hadn't he said that he was going to stay on the phone with me until I bought it. Thirty minutes later I had a plane ticket to California.
Maybe its because I think things through way too much. Kind of like how I always end up over packing (there's nothing wrong with being too prepared . . . except when you have to carry your over stuffed bags around with you everywhere.) I spend way too much time thinking about a pool party that its already November.
Maybe its because I never really map out the whole plan. I always just jump to conclusions. I think of how fun a sleepover would be, what movies we'll watch, where we'll sleep, what clothes I'll wear, who I'll invite, but I won't think about how people will get there, if the weather will permit, or any of those necessary questions that logical people usually think about asking.
Maybe its because my eyes are brown.
Maybe my plans are just ridiculous and should never have come into existence.
Maybe its because my parents are secretly plotting against me.
Maybe its because I was exposed to high doses of alien radiation at a young age.
(This picture is supposed to be alien radiation)
Maybe its because I don't like to wear shoes.
Maybe its because I bite my fingernails.
Anyway, I think the whole purpose of this blog was to warn all you readers out there to be aware of *old, scary movie music, playing in the background* THE PLANNING CURSE